Six Monthly Progress Report. July — December Adopted: 1 February TRIM: Page 2. NAME 1. Check out our video of the event for highlights of the night! Page 1 of 3. Trim: What are Acid Sulfate Soils? Acid Sulfate Soils ASS are soils that contain iron sulphides that are stable and do not cause a problem when waterlogged. However, when they are exposed. Happy Safer Internet Day! Last week the Greater Sydney Commission launched some new tools to help Liverpool residents, community groups and businesses make submissions on the draft South West District Plan.
New engagement activities over the next two months have been planned so they can encourage and receive formal submissions from all interested Greater Sydneysiders.
These tools include District Dialogues, Live Online,. The summer edition of our new look environment newsletter is now available online. In this edition, discover how we are bringing back the buzz to Cumberland Plain Woodland, learn the principles of Bush Regeneration and how you can get involved in your neighbourhood! If you would like. Join us in Macquarie Mall, Liverpool, for a free community event to commemorate the National Apology. To mark this special occasion, there will be live Aboriginal entertainment, food tasting, and art and craft activities in Macquarie Mall from 11am to 1pm Monday 13 February Memories in the.
Greater Sydney Regional Weeds Strategy – have your say! A matching grant provides support to projects and activities that build or strengthen communities within Liverpool. By ‘matching’ what the community contributes, Council is building a sense of community and strengthening partnerships as people work together on the project.
Applications are open from. Meet like-minded people, learn new skills, increase your knowledge of the environment and create habitat for local wildlife. Saturday 11 February Clinches Pond. Drop them off at our operations centre, 99 Rose Street Liverpool, from 9am to 3. For a full list of what you can drop, go to www. Due to the very hot and sunny weather predicted for Liverpool this weekend, with temperatures expected to reach 44 degrees, the scheduled environment volunteer group activities at Clinches Pond and Weaving Garden on Saturday 11 February will be cancelled.
In hot conditions it is recommended to avoid physical activity in the sun, drink plenty of water and stay indoors in cool or air-conditioned. In hot conditions it is recommended to avoid physical activity in the sun, drink plenty of water and stay indoors in cool or air-conditioned facilities. Thank you to everyone who came to our Memories in the Mall today. The event was held to commemorate the National Apology. The event was a big success with lots of crowd participation from local residents, the Aboriginal community, Members of Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council and.
Details of. The Welcome Dinner Project brings together newly arrived and established Australians to meet each other and share stories over a pot-luck dinner. Please bring a plate of food from your culture to share. Join our enthusiastic volunteers who beautify their local parks and bushland by removing weeds and litter, and planting native plants. No experience is necessary.
Are you a foodie? Have a green thumb? Then you’ll love this free sustainability workshop! The ‘World Kitchen in your Backyard’ workshop is perfect for individuals wanting to learn how to grow their own herbs and vegetables essential for different cuisines. The workshop will be held Thursday 2 March. Bookings are essential for attendance! To register and for location details, call Council on All are welcome! A giant digital screen in Macquarie Mall is set to liven up the Liverpool CBD when it comes online at the end of the month.
The decision by the PAC in the face of sound planning arguments has outraged all involved in the staunch defence of residents in Georges Fair and the greater Liverpool area.
Previously, this council had assured the community that we will engage in a legal challenge in the Land and Environment Court and seek to overturn this decision. Consequently, Council has sought legal advice and will pursue all available legal avenues to argue against this development.
We will also continue to stand by the residents in voicing their opposition to the concrete recycling plant. Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to explore all avenues including the potential of a land swap and site testing to stop the proposed development proceeding, should legal action be unsuccessful; And.
Notes the confidential legal advice received by Liverpool Council in regards to a legal challenge. That this item be dealt with in closed session at the end of the meeting in accordance with Section 10 A 2 g of the Local Government Act. On November 1 st at Bigge Park Liverpool Council with veterans of the Korean War will be unveiling a plinth dedicated to the Australian soldiers still missing in action from the Korean War. Another sad chapter from our history, the Korean War marks the beginning of open hostilities that would be part of the so called Cold War.
Australia joined the United States and other allies in the war and fought against the tyranny of North Korea that threatened to consume the country. In the 3 years of hostilities before the ceasefire Australia suffered nearly casualties; killed, wounded or still missing in action. Their names and rank are listed on the plaque. To foster the memory of those who served and were lost in the Korean conflict Council should provide every assistance to the Korean War Veterans Association for the event to honour the memories of our Australian Soldiers.
Acknowledges the Korean War Veterans and the service to their country. Clr Mamone and Clr Ristevski arrived at the Chambers at 7. The statement was made in a cowardly fashion during an adjournment debate in the Legislative Council.
Had Mr Borsak made these fabricated allegations outside of the protection of Parliamentary Privilege they would have deemed defamatory. The importance of free speech during parliamentary proceedings is paramount and necessary in the development of policy and legislation. However, serious questions must be asked when a Member of Parliament uses free speech under the cloak of parliamentary privilege as a sword to attack the character of people rather than a shield to protect good government.
Following the speech Council quickly examined the statement and publicly refuted all the lies. Condemns the cowardly and inappropriate behaviour of the MP Robert Borsak in the Upper House on 10 th of September when he engaged in a series of lies about individuals at Liverpool Council.
Notes that Council did respond swiftly and publicly to examine and refute the lies that were told. Confirms publicly that Council has not been contacted by the Minister for Local Government or Division of Local Government in relation to an investigation into the lies. Letter attached. Recommends that anyone with information about illegal activities contacts the relevant authorities. Recommends lawyers acting on behalf of Council, the Mayor and the CEO, examine whether a case for defamation exists, where the statements have been reproduced outside of parliamentary privilege.
Writes to the Parliament of NSW to seek a review of the rules surrounding parliamentary privilege. Condemns the inappropriate behaviour of the MP Robert Borsak in the Upper House on 10 th of September when he engaged in a series of lies about individuals at Liverpool Council. Seek advice to examine whether a case for defamation against Council exists.
Mayor Mannoun called for a recess of Council at 7. Mayor Mannoun reopened the meeting at 8. Notices of Motion Of Rescission. Congratulate staff and in particular Alyson Infanti, Maree Stewart and Lauren Myers for their hard work and support of the event. Council write to the folk dancing groups Ilinden, Vardar and Izvor for donating their time in performing. Also write to the MC Zack Gulevski for giving up his time for the event.
Write to the Liverpool Catholic Club and thanking them for their professionalism in catering for the event for all members of the community. Report to Council on the best way to conduct Interfaith functions in the future.
Notes with regret the late change to the running order on the day which withdrew the invitation to speak at the event of the Hon. Council sincerely apologises to Hon Mr Ferguson for this change. Council notes Hon.
The Mayor on behalf of Council writes to Hon Laurie Ferguson to apologise for any inconvenience caused. On being put to the meeting the resolution from the 26 August Council meeting was Rescinded to remove points 6 and 7 of the motion.
Division called:. Vote for: Mayor Mannoun. Clr Hadchiti. Clr Hadid. Clr Harle. Clr Balloot. Clr Mamone. Vote against: Clr Karnib. Clr Ristevski. Clr Shelton. Clr Stanley. Clr Waller. Notices of Motion. That all committee meetings commence from 6pm onwards.
That the CEO be authorised with the membership of the new committees to make changes to meeting times to suit the participation and to come back to the next Council meeting with some suggestions. That Council notes Lurnea High School 50 years of providing quality education to students of Liverpool. Writes to the Principal congratulating the school on the anniversary and the events which celebrated the milestone.
Have Council officers been made aware of an investigation by the Minister for Local Government or Division of Local Government into these outrageous allegations? If not, Council request such an immediate independent investigation to assist in clearing the names of those who were named in the speech?
Motion Moved: Clr Ristevski. If not, Council request that the matter be referred to the Office of Local Government to be investigated by Weir Pty Ltd or another qualified company. That Council request that the matter be referred to the Office of Local Government to be investigated by a qualified company. Mayor Mannoun ruled that the motion moved by Clr Ristevski was out of order and as such, the motion was not put to the meeting. The CEO write to the Housing Minister congratulating him on this innovative concept and invite him to do the same in Liverpool.
Setup a housing crisis Councillor Taskforce to be chaired by Councillor Ristevski and made up of all Councillors to co-ordinate with the relevant stakeholders in finding solutions to this problem in our LGA. Amend the Homelessness Taskforce established at the Extraordinary Council meeting of 2 September to include a housing crisis focus. The taskforce is to be chaired by Councillor Ristevski and made up of all Councillors to co-ordinate with the relevant stakeholders including the Salvation Army in finding solutions to this problem in our LGA.
Open Customer Service on Saturdays from 9am-1pm for a three month trial period. Have one planner working during this period to assist ratepayers with their planning queries. Consider opening the Customer Service on Saturdays from 9am-1pm for a three month trial period. Conduct a staff and community survey to engage if there is support for Saturday opening hours for the Customer Service Centre with a report to come back to the next Council meeting.
If there is a demand, what is the cost? That a report be brought back to the next Council meeting that addresses:. In relation to the smell of raw sewerage which is currently in the Customer Service area:. Ensure there are adequate public toilets for the public in the Customer Service area.
Discuss options available to it to appeal this decision. To allow discussion it would be appreciate if staff could provide a briefing paper outlining the timeline of this application.
Provide any legal advice available to assist Councillors to discuss options for this development approval. Under confidential cover as necessary. Note: This item was dealt with in conjunction with the Mayoral Minute — Legal Response to Concrete Recycling Facility, on pages of these minutes.
The report should include but not be limited to the following:. If so, what did these works involve? Council host a Women’s Forum at the Casula Powerhouse in November with the focus of the following motion:. A community representative or not for profit organisation, and. A prominent business woman. All nominations be returned to Council and considered in Confidential session.
That Council forthwith discontinue its attempts to reclassify, rezone and dispose of the following properties:. A report be brought to Council on possible park upgrades.
That the item be deferred to the next Council meeting, alongside the Council officers report in relation to community consultation on the pocket parks mentioned above. That the report also report on possible park upgrades on those parks that are not recommended for sale.
Officers list the park priority for this financial year. Officers report back on a funding source if needed to immediately undertake works at one or any of those parks.
Mayor Mannoun left the Chambers at 9. That Council generates a report for the next Council Meeting Council addressing the following questions. In light of the above concerns, what practical options could Council implement to better monitor and control the amount of dust particles that settle in residential areas within close proximity Building Material Waste Recycling Centres located in the Liverpool LGA?
Based on the recent decision by the NSW PAC and its approval for the Moorebank Waste Recycling Centre, what practical options are available to Council to ensure that the plant operates within the conditions of consent and in particular to air quality?
What would be the cost of purchasing portable air quality monitoring equipment that could be set up in areas of concerns considered problematic? Report at the next Council Meeting on what records were actually lost. Come up with an action plans in assisting in recovering house plans for those homes and report back to council at the next meeting. Report back to Council on what records staff believe was lost in the fire and what can be done to address the matter, including costs of an audit.
Put a policy in place to deal with records that were burnt. Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel Report. Councillors voted unanimously for this motion. Stage 2 seeks approval for the creation of 24 lots and demolition at Hoxton Park Road, Hoxton Park. Clr Karnib. Vote against: Clr Stanley. Vote against: Clr Harle. That the application be deferred and the applicant be invited to amend the application to two lots and a report be brought back to Council once a response has been received.
Vote for: Clr Harle. Vote against: Mayor Mannoun. As both the Amendment and Motion were lost when put to the meeting, IHAP 06 was resubmitted for Council to consider and the following motion was moved:. Vote against: Clr Balloot.
Chief Executive Officer Report. Applicant name. That Council n ote the contents of this report. Chief Financial Officer. Note this report;. Delegates to the Chief Executive Officer the delegations set out in the Delegations to the Chief Executive Officer, as attached to this report. That Council proceeds with the election of the Deputy Mayor to be conducted by the Returning Officer. Method of Election. That the method of election for the position of Deputy Mayor of Liverpool City Council for the term 30 September to 9 September be determined by open vote.
That the method of election for the position of Deputy Mayor of Liverpool City Council for the term 30 September to 9 September be determined by preferential ballot. The following votes were recorded:. Clr Waller — 4 votes. Clr Harle — 1 vote. Clr Hadchiti — 6 votes. Clr Hadchiti was declared the Deputy Mayor. All ballot papers be collected and destroyed by the Returning Officer. That Council receives and notes this report.
Appoints Councillors as representatives to the following Committees for the period to September Aboriginal Consultative Committee. Audit and Risk Committee. Badgerys Creek Taskforce. Budget and Finance Committee. Building our New City. Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre Board. Civic Advisory Committee. Committee for Liverpool. Economic Development and Events.
Environment Advisory Committee. Heritage Advisory Committee. Liverpool Access Committee. Liverpool Sports Committee. Master Plan Steering Committee. Multicultural Advisory Committee. No Intermodal Committee. Planning and Development Committee. Street Naming Committee. Youth Council. Appoints Councillors as representatives to the following community committees and affiliated bodies and notifies of their representatives for the period to September Floodplain Management Association.
Georges River Combined Councils Committee. Joint Regional Planning Panel. Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre. Liverpool Traffic Committee. Macarthur Bushfire Management Committee. Macarthur Zone Bushfire Liaison Committee.
Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils. That Council appoints the following Councillor representatives to the internal Committees as listed below for the period to September Mayor Mannoun. Deputy Mayor Hadchiti. Mayor and all Councillors. Appoints the following Councillors as representatives to the following community Committees and affiliated bodies for the period to September and notifies the organisations of the representatives:.
External Committees:. Clr Hadchiti alternate. Clr Harle alternate. Receive and note the information. That Council defer this item to the next meeting. Community and Culture Report. Adopt the draft Grants and Donations Policy. Funds to be included in the budget variance report to come to the October Council meeting. Places the draft Homelessness Policy and Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan on public exhibition for a period of 28 days inviting public submissions.
Receives a further report on the Homelessness Policy and Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan following public exhibition. Community Grants Program.
Applicant Name. Project Name. Youth Donations Program. School Donations Program. Mayor Mannoun returned to the Chambers at Forwards a copy of the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment seeking a Gateway determination and following that proceed with public authority consultation and public exhibition.
Reason: s10A g. Reason: s10A d i. Reason: s10A c. Pursuant to Section 10A 1 – 3 of the Local Government Act , the media and public to be excluded from the meeting on the basis that the business to be considered is classified confidential under the provisions of:.
Council moved into Closed Session at The public and media left the Chambers. Motion: Moved: Seconded:. Accepts the tenders from the below listed contractors for Tender RCL — Stormwater Drainage Pipe Rehabilitation Works for an initial period of two years, with the option to extend by three one year terms. Category F2. Drainage Pipe Renewal and Replacement. Keeps confidential the details supplied in this report containing information on the submissions received, pursuant to the provisions of Section 10A 2 d i of the Local Government Act as it contains commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed, prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.
Notes that the Director will finalise all details and sign the Letter of Acceptance following publication of draft Minutes on Council website for the tender, giving it contractual effect, in accordance with delegated authority. Clr Shelton left the Chambers at Notes that the Director — Business Improvement will finalise all details and sign the Letter of Acceptance following publication of draft Minutes on Council website for the tender, giving it contractual effect, in accordance with delegated authority.
Clr Shelton returned to the Chambers at pm. That the meeting be extended until the business is completed. On being put to the meeting the motion was declared LOST. Mayor Mannoun adjourned the meeting at Mayor Mannoun reconvened the meeting at 5. Councillor Mamone. Councillor Ristevski. Economy and Engagement Report. Planning and Growth Report. Notes the primary objectives of the master plan to improve services, safety and amenity for the Miller community and address social disadvantage.
Subject to Gateway approval, proceeds with public authority consultations and public exhibition in accordance with the determination. Notes that the outcomes of publ ic authority consultation and public exhibition will be reported to Council in the future.
Approves the following fee to be placed on Public Exhibition:. A compliance levy of 0. Investigates options to provide discounted developer contributions in order to incentivise specific development in the Liverpool City Centre and other areas in accordance with future Council strategic objectives.
Property and Commercial Development Report. Approves the acquisition of Lot DP , Kurrajong Road, Carnes Hill, for the price and terms outlined in the confidential attachment;. Keeps confidential the attachment supplied under separate cover containing the acquisition price pursuant to the provisions of Section 10A 2 c of the Local Government Act as this information would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting or proposes to conduct business; and.
Authorises its delegated officer to execute any document, under Power of Attorney necessary to give effect to this decision. Committee Reports. Approves the updating of the current paving strategy. Questions with Notice. Reports back to council at the next General Council Meeting with the following;. Who authorised the hire of external Private Security Guards and called the Police, dressed in Riot gear, to this event?
Police attended of their own volition but were not Riot Squad but general duty Police. When was the decision made to hire Private Security Guards and to call Police, dressed in Riot gear, and on what basis? On the Thursday and Friday prior to the event and following the evidence of a credible threat on social media.
If there were safety concerns surrounding the Christian Orthodox Interfaith Lunch, why were these not mentioned in the CEO’s report in the July council meeting four days prior to the lunch? The information was not available at that time regarding the threats that had been made. Were any threatening advances made to the Mayor, Councillors or distinguished guests during the Christian Orthodox Interfaith Lunch?
Was the Christian Orthodox community consulted regarding concerns that may have been expressed at the presence of private security guards and Police dressed in riot gear? Police were not dressed in riot gear. The CEO nor any staff member present received any comment or concern from attendees on the day of the event. What was the total cost of hiring the Private Security Guards and how where these cost funded? The cost of security was included in the cost of staging the event through the Catholic Club which was paid for by Council.
Has this set a precedent for future Liverpool City Council events requiring Private Security Guards and Police attendance and how does that impact on Council financially?
Each instance with be assessed on its merits but where there is a credible threat appropriate action will be taken to ensure the safety of all attendees.
Has council addressed all complaints made from the Christian Orthodox community in relation to the appearance of the Private Security Guards and Police dressed in Riot gear? At this point no formal complaints have been made concerning the use of security personnel and the Police presence. The Mayor writes to all community leaders that attended apologising for the over-reaction of hiring the Private Security Guards and calling Police to the event prematurely.
This was not an overreaction. The actions taken were taken following consultation with Police and were justified to ensure the safety of attendees. Council has a significant Duty of Care which in this case has been appropriately discharged. There is therefore no basis or reason for an apology to be given. Bellfield College:. In relation to the NOM:. Have all conditions of the NOM been carried out?
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